Government releases R$ 200 million to fight avian flu

It was published in this Tuesday's edition (6) of Federal Official Gazette (DOU), a Provisional Measure (MP) that allocates a extraordinary credit of BRL 200 million to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), in order to implement efforts to combat the spread of avian flu in the country.

Last Monday, the 5th, the ministry confirmed the first outbreak of H5N1 in the state of São Paulo, specifically in the municipality of Ubatuba, on the north coast. An individual of the species thalasseus maximus, known as a terns-real, was identified as a carrier of the virus.

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In addition to the detection in São Paulo, another case was registered in Rio de Janeiro, in the city of Niterói. A bird of the same species was diagnosed with the virus. In addition to these, sick birds were also identified in Rio Grande do Sul and Espírito Santo, totaling 24 outbreaks of the disease in Brazil so far.

Federal investment to curb bird flu

The Federal Government resources announced this Tuesday will be used to fight a possible increase in highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1).

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the credit will be directed to the Unified System of Attention to Agricultural Health (Suasa), with the objective of strengthening actions for the prevention and control of influenza aviary.

The communiqué pointed out that technical teams may receive reinforcements to carry out specific actions, including the rapid identification of suspected cases, carrying out tests and implementing sanitary measures suitable.

Apparently, the budget was released for prevention, in order to inhibit the advance of a possible epidemic. Therefore, the Federal Government considered that Brazil is free of major proportions in the commercial field, claiming that it will maintain the status of freedom against avian influenza. They also indicated that the country's poultry products are exported with food safety.

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