Salt hydrolysis of strong acid and weak base

When we prepare an aqueous solution of Ammonium Nitrate (NH4AT THE3) we can see that its pH is below 7.

The addition of NH4NH3 to water makes the solution acidic.
To obtain the equation of the salt hydrolysis process, we must follow the following rules:
• dissociate the salt (separate the cation from the anion)
• ionize strong acid (HA → H+ + A-)
• dissociate the strong base (COH → C+ + OH-)

• NH4NO3, as it is a soluble salt, it is dissociated:
NH4NO3 → NH+4 + NO-3

• HNO3, as it is strong acid, is ionized:
HNO3 → H+ + NO-3

Thus, the most correct way to represent the reaction is:

Note that the hydrolysis was of the cation, that is, the ion coming from the weak base.
Cation hydrolysis: NH4+ + HOH ↔ NH4OH+H+
The saline hydrolysis of ammonium nitrate gave rise to the products:
NH4OH (ammonium hydroxide): weak base
HNO3 (nitric acid): strong acid
The presence of the H+ ion justifies the acidity of the solution (pH < 7).
Strong acid salt and weak base give the solution an acidic character.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

See more! saline hydrolysis

Physicochemical - Chemistry - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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