Hangman: what are the philosophers of the challenge?

O hangman game consists of finding out what the proposed word is. For this, the player must bet on some letters and with each wrong letter, the hanged doll takes shape. The game ends when the player discovers the word or when the doll is completely hanged. In today's article, we will provide an example of a hangman game for you to test your skills. cognitive abilities and perception in a fun way.

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Solve the challenge before you get hanged

The hangman game theme of today's article is the name of philosophers. You should find out which are the two philosophers proposed in today's article.

Check out the first challenge now and try to solve it.

Hangman game

So, did you manage to solve it “off the bat”? If not, to help you, in addition to providing the theme and the number of letters in the word, we will also give you some tips to make it easier for you to find out who it is.

Tips for the first challenge

Well, what is known about this philosopher:

1. This philosopher is of great importance due to the construction of the concept of empirical knowledge and his systematic classifications of knowledge;
2. Also, he is well known for one of his laws which state that: all bodies move towards their natural place.

And now, after these tips, is it easier to find out who it is? If you haven't yet, don't worry! At the end of the article we will provide the answer. In the meantime, try to solve the second challenge in today's article:

Hangman game

Tip for the second challenge

Wassup, couldn't solve the challenge yet? Here are some hints about the philosopher and try to solve it again:

1. This philosopher had a belief that only through knowledge would it be possible to have access to the truth – which would be hidden by ignorance.
2. Furthermore, his theory addresses a distinction between sensible knowledge, which is characterized as inferior and misleading, due to the fact that it is obtained through the senses of the body and intelligible knowledge, which is characterized as superior and ideal, thus accessing the truth about the things.

This theory is well known, isn't it? Pretty easy to figure out who we're talking about! Try to solve the hangman game again.

Wassup couldn't solve the challenge? Rest assured, we will now provide the answers to the two challenges. Check it out below:

The philosopher of the first challenge is:

Hangman game

The philosopher of the second challenge is:

Hangman game

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