Wedding canceled after bride catches husband in surprising act

It's not very uncommon to hear unbelievable stories of weddings. However, there are those that surprise us a lot. Recently, a bride called off her wedding minutes before walking down the aisle after catching the groom being breastfed by his mother in the bathroom. See below for more details on this story.

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On a podcast called The Unfiltered, Georgie Mitchell and sidekick Beth Smith tell stories of wild marriages. In one of the episodes, Mitchell shared a story she heard from two colleagues.

According to him, it all started when the bride, minutes before the wedding started, decided to go to the bathroom. As soon as she arrived at the scene, she saw her future husband being nursed by his mother. Smith can't believe what she just heard.

What was the bride's first reaction?

As soon as she witnessed the scene, the bride quickly called off the wedding, not caring about the place being full of guests.

Mitchell asks Smith if she would do the same if she were the bride. She then burst out laughing and heard Mitchell saying that he would never imagine her marrying him after witnessing the bathroom scene.

The story made it to The Receipts podcast in 2019

On the podcast, the woman she was being interviewed on was the alleged fiancée in the case covered above. However, she recounts her side of the story which turns out to be a little different from what Mitchell and Smith told.

She says this incident happened in Spain the day before the wedding. However, most of her guests were not from there, so they had to travel from their homes to participate in the ceremony.

She confesses that she can't say if she really made the right decision calling off the wedding, because he was, in fact, the man of her dreams. However, the scene of the man sucking her mother's breasts left her completely traumatized.

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