Viralized: student 'snitches' colleague who didn't do the work and wins social networks

Jonatan Ulises, 21, a student at Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud (CUCS) in Guadalajara, Mexico, had two of his videos went viral on social networks after accusing his colleague, Dariana, of not helping to produce a work. The records were made on Wednesday, 1. Understand the whole story!

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In an interview given to the Estado de Minas report, the student stated that the videos are not montage, as several internet users are accusing. As for Dariana, Jonatan said: “We get along very well. We're used to being tough on each other. So it's something that's normalized between us,” he said.

In the records that went viral, Jonatan shows it on a TV in the classroom with the following sentence: “My colleague Dariana did nothing”. The slide had a photo of the girl, who claimed to have been sick and points out that she was actually helping to make the presentation, there were photos of her friend in moments of leisure.

“So sick he went to the beach,” he said wryly.

The success of the video was sudden in the social media. The young man told the report that the story even earned him some fans: “Sometimes, when they identify that I am the guy in the video, they even ask for photos here at the school", said Jonatan, saying he was taken by surprise with the repercussion.

For Roney Polato, PhD in Education from the UFJF, although group work is a very common practice and guided by teachers, the strategy is not always “the object of planning and discussion”.

“It is also not a question of making accusations, but we can say that the situation could have been avoided if group work was considered not only a everyday activity but an important moment of work, being included among the procedural and attitudinal objectives of the pedagogical approach", explained the teacher.

Still according to the professor, group work needs to be seen as a pedagogical exercise, with well-defined objectives. Group work requires effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution. Joining a group can help you develop several important skills.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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