What would you do if you found your dog with a snake wrapped around its nose?

An unusual situation happened in the region of San Diego, California, and was recorded by Bruce Ireland, considered a professional snake hunter. In the video added to her social networks, Ireland shows dog with snake wrapped around the snout.

Dog keeps calm for Bruce to remove the snake from his snout

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After identifying that her dog had a snake wrapped around its muzzle, the cat's owner decided to call Ireland, known for being a professional snake hunter and who performs humanized captures of these animals when they are in environments urban.

Upon arriving at the animal's residence, Bruce found the dog with part of the snake stuck in its mouth, while the reptile's body was wrapped around the animal's snout. See the photo below:

The occurrence was so unusual that the video posted on TikTok by Bruce went viral in no time. With more than 15 million views and 1.2 million likes, netizens were curious to know the outcome of the snake rescue.

Dog with snake.
Photo: TikTok.

The video shows the dog running towards Bruce. At that moment, the snake hunter gently removes the animal from the dog's muzzle, which appears to be calm, although bothered by the presence of the reptile.

After capturing the animal, which is more than 1.5 meters long, Ireland places the snake inside a bucket with the intention of releasing it in another safe place and away from humans.

According to Bruce, the snake was wrapped around the dog's snout because, because of their curiosity, these animals use their snouts to smell and investigate. In that case, as she thought the snake was strange, she tried to find out what it was, without imagining that the animal would be trapped in her body.

And to congratulate the dog's courage, Bruce threw a cookie to the animal, after letting him free of the snake.

In the comments of the video, netizens show admiration for Bruce's calmness in withdrawing from dealing with the snake and take the opportunity to make jokes.

One claims that the dog thought snakes were much better than pet toys.

Meanwhile, another claims that her puppy is shaking its head frantically to get rid of the snake.

And you? What would you do if you got home and this was the scene of the moment?

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