What does dog chasing its tail mean?

Dogs can have many behaviors, they are affectionate, funny and have some attitudes that are cause for concern for their tutors.

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However, one of the most common actions of these pets is that they run after their own tail. But you know what does dog chasing its tail mean? Follow this article and understand!

Why does the dog chase its tail?

Many people tend to find this attitude funny and joyful on the part of the puppy. In part, this statement is actually true, dogs run after their tails because they feel happy or because they are waiting for a joke.

However, these are not the only reasons for this act. Chasing the tail can mean health problems that are affecting the animal's physical, psychological or emotional condition.

Thus, the concern begins to arise when the dog chases its tail with great frequency (daily or several times in the same day) and has the habit of capturing the tail and injuring itself, either by biting it and pulling out its by the.

So you need to observe the way your pet behaves in order to understand if he has this attitude just once. from time to time as a result of play or if the behavior has become regular and the dog has episodes of mutilation.

What causes a dog to chase its tail?

In addition to happiness, some problems can make the dog chase its tail and get hurt. Usually these conditions refer to deprivation of the pet's natural behavior.

For example, when dogs live in urban environments and in very tight spaces, they cannot exercise fully the common behaviors of their species, such as playing, free-running, sniffing and chasing other animals.

In addition, there are also causes that involve serious health problems, such as seizures, flea and tick infestation, and pain in the tail.

How to prevent possible problems?

Whenever your dog shows excitement, never scold him! Let him express his natural behavior and don't apply physical and emotional punishments and punishments, after all, the little bug just wants to be who he is!

Help the pet to spend the accumulated energy, walk, play with the animal daily, pay attention to all the attitudes of the dog to identify when something is wrong and visit the vet at least 1 time a year to perform a assessment!

So, now that you know what a dog chasing its tail means. Take the opportunity to forward this article to that friend of yours who would also like to know.

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