Research points out why you should NOT let your cat outside

Cats are great companions, but their hunting instinct makes them leave the house frequently and come back one, two or three days later. When you realize that the bug is gone, you may not even worry, that's why it's common, but a study points out some of the reasons why you should avoid these cat walks outside the house.

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Scientists at the University of Maryland do amazing discoveryon why to prevent your cats from roaming outside. According to research, keeping cats in your home reduces the chance of disease transmission and hunting wild animals, as this negatively contributes to biodiversity.

Conducted in Washington, the research was based on data from the so-called DC Cat Count, which made use of more than 60 cameras adapted to monitor wildlife.

After analyzing the 1,500 sampling sites, the researchers' conclusion is emphatic in pointing out the responsibility of the cat owners to prevent them from leaving the house in the direction of the forest.

That's because the cameras were able to capture the hunting movement of cats and how they manage to overcome some wild animals. In the United States, they have been found close to raccoons, one of the most important vectors of rabies in Washington.

And it's not just rabies that can hit cats! Toxoplasmosis is also a disease transmitted from cats to humans. For this reason, keeping cats out of the house can be of great harm to their health.

Cats don't just want to catch mice.

According to Daniel Herrera, author of the study, cats – when they are out for a walk – share the same spaces as other animals of native species, such as rabbits, gray squirrels and marmots.

If your cat is missing, but you think he's chasing mice, know that this is a very wrong thought to have! They prefer native species because they are closer to their habitat. As a consequence, they contribute negatively to the reduction of the native population, fundamental for the balance of the ecosystem and biodiversity.

Think twice before leaving doors and windows open for your cat to get out.

It can be dangerous for your health and the environment!

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