Signs of insecurity: 5 common phrases among insecure people

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individuals with insecurity tend to seek stability and avoid changes in their lives. Therefore, they often do not recognize that adaptation and development are key to achieving success.

According to workplace psychology expert Stefan Falk, the presence of highly insecure individuals in teams can result in challenges and obstacles.

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To ensure a healthy and productive work environment, it is essential to identify these characteristics early on.

To CNBC, therefore, the expert warns what are the phrases said by these insecure people.

Toxic phrases said by insecure people

Here's what you might hear from people with insecurity issues:

“I am busy with other tasks”

It is common for insecure people to face difficulties in prioritizing tasks, often assigning the problem to the lack of time, when, in fact, the question lies in the lack of skills of management.

These individuals may not have conscious strategies for organizing their activities effectively.

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“I tried but failed”

It is important to recognize that insecure people may have a tendency to avoid new experiences and limit themselves to just talking about them, rather than actually engaging.

“Everything is going well this way”

It is common for insecure people to react negatively to new activities, as they are afraid of change and realize that they will have to make more effort in their work. This resistance may be related to the feeling of threat that the change represents for them.

“Is there no other possibility? I did not like that!"

When expressing this idea, the person may be looking to avoid facing change or feeling uncomfortable with the possibility of stepping out of their comfort zone.

This posture can be a form of resistance to something new and a way to remain in a familiar environment, even if it is not beneficial for personal or professional growth.

“It doesn’t work for me”

Insecure people believe that their working conditions are unique and, therefore, may express phrases of this type frequently.

This distorted perception can be the result of a lack of confidence in themselves and the difficulty in seeing perspectives different from their own.

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