Did you know that your dog knows how to recognize your emotions?

Who has never felt care for their dog in moments of sadness? An affection at a time when you felt alone or with emotions on the edge of your skin?

Dogs act this way as they are very sociable, empathetic animals that create true bonds with their owners.

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Read more: Did you know that your dog knows how to recognize your emotions?

And more than that: they actually manage to recognize when you are sad, happy or upset about something.

This is what a study by the Institute of Psychology at USP and the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom points out.

The results of the study point to your best friend's ability to understand human emotions. The study also explains how this recognition happens.

Dogs recognize their owner's mood

The researchers followed the understanding that human expressions are capable of altering the behavior of dogs.

With that, they decided to test in a more direct way how this happens with dogs, and to test it, they used actresses simulating emotions.

So, they put an actress with an angry expression and another with a sad expression, and the dog should ask one of the two for food.

According to these tests, the dogs avoided the actress with an angry expression, which shows the ability of the dogs for facial recognition.

The study proves to be quite visionary, as it places dogs in a position of intelligence and sensitivity.

And more than that: the test also shows how the behavior of the owners affects the behavior of the dogs themselves.

Once his owner is rabid, he chooses not to bother him instead of doing what was most expected of his nature.

“The research shows that the dog takes into account the expressions of emotions of humans to make choices”, writes the co-author of the work, Breseida Resenda.

Still following the co-author, dogs are always attentive to their owner's expressions and seek in every way to reverse feelings of sadness and anger.

“People will be able to perceive the animal as a being that pays attention to what we do and that makes its decisions based on that”, continues Braseida.

In consideration of the study, as she writes that from this understanding, healthier and more respectful relationships should be built between owners and dogs.

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