Tesla recalls over 1 million vehicles in China

A Tesla, one of the most innovative and revolutionary companies in the electric car industry, recently announced a recall of virtually every car it sold in China. This is due to a defect in the brake and acceleration system that can increase the risk of accidents and put the safety of drivers and passengers at risk.

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Recall of more than 1 million vehicles

The company will deliver a software patch via Internet update to more than 1.1 million vehicles produced in Shanghai from January 2019 to April this year, in addition to some models imported into China.

According to the State Administration for Market Regulation, the defect is related to Tesla's regenerative braking system, which did not allow drivers to adjust the amount of regenerative braking and didn't warn when they had pressed the accelerator for too long, increasing the likelihood of error in applying the brakes. pedal.

Software correction over the internet

Fortunately, the software fix will allow drivers to adjust the intensity of regenerative braking and modify the system's factory default state. Additionally, company cars will start notifying drivers when they press the accelerator for an extended period.

Measure was taken after much criticism

This is an important move on Tesla's part, especially as the company has already faced criticism. from local authorities and state media in China due to acceleration and braking problems in their cars.

The most famous case was that of the Model 3 owner who climbed on top of a Tesla show car at the Salon of the 2021 Shanghai Automobile and screamed that her father almost died when driving the sedan because the brakes failed.

Safety in 1st place

Although Tesla issued a public apology and released data logs from the vehicle that showed it was traveling at 118.5 kilometers per hour shortly before impact, it is important that the company continues to be concerned about the safety of its customers.

After all, technology is key to the evolution of electric cars, but safety is an even more important aspect. We expect Tesla to continue to invest in innovative solutions that can further improve the safety of its cars and its customers.

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