Discover the top four health benefits of cats

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As you already know, having a pet at home is synonymous with great joy. In addition to bringing happy experiences to the environment, they are also great partners and give us a lot of love and affection, in the purest way possible.

But what many people don't know is that pets can bring health benefits to humans. Therefore, our content today will try to list the four main advantages of having an animal at home, more specifically, cats.

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  1. Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: University of Minnesota research conducted in 2008, point out that people who own cats are at lower risk of dying due to diseases cardiovascular;
  2. Reduced stress levels: Due to direct contact with cats, humans produce more theta brain waves. This benefit brings a feeling of relaxation, in addition, cortisol levels decrease, hormone which is directly linked to stress;
  3. Motivation: the perseverance of cats in some situations can serve as an incentive for their tutors to fight for their life goals. The fact that they are always overcoming obstacles makes the owners see that they don't need to give up in adverse moments;
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  4. Purring cures: yes! When cats purr, they produce a frequency that can vary between 20 and 140 Hz. These waves stimulate tissue healing and can also improve blood pressure.

In this way, in addition to all the joy that cats can bring to homes, they also provide several benefits for the physical aspect and also the emotional one, which are much more than its purest affection.

Thus, you will be able to have a faithful companion for your days and also a much healthier life. Therefore, choose the pet you fell in love with and take care of it with all the affection, because it will certainly will repay you with care even indirectly, in addition to being by your side whenever to need.

Pets transform lives. Have yours and live happier!

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