Amazon invests in deliveries in the favelas, which can take place even on Sundays

Favela residents know how difficult it is to get delivery within communities, mainly due to the issue of addressing the houses. But, in partnership with Favela Llog and Luft Logistics, amazon started its delivery operation in Paraisópolis.

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The action will include deliveries on Sundays and holidays, and will use couriers who live locally, thus facilitating the lives of those who buy and also those who deliver. This is because, in addition to income, they are already used to the locations and will be able to reach addresses more easily.

According to the leader of Amazon Logistics Brasil, Rafael Caldas, deliveries in the favelas were born after the maturation of e-commerce, which happened during the pandemic, with social distancing. “In Paraisópolis, we will learn as much as possible, overcome addressing problems, which are the greatest difficulty in communities”, he said.

In addition to the delivery spaces being allocated 100% to residents of the community, a portion of them will be allocated to former prison system inmates. For those looking to restructure themselves after serving a sentence, this is a great opportunity for decent employment.

Thales Athayde, who is part of the Favela Llog operation, spoke a little about the importance of local entrepreneurship in Paraisópolis: “Here in Paraisópolis we must deliver up to 2,000 packages per day. Cufa has been here in Paraisópolis for 15 years, and Favela Vai Voando [tourism company owned by the holding] for 10. We do not act in combination with crime, and the objective is to encourage local entrepreneurship and income generation”.

Favela Llog was founded in 2015 and has grown a lot during the pandemic, due to its work in distributing donations in the communities in which it is part. It is already present in 100 favelas in Rio de Janeiro, and in São Paulo it will operate in Paraisópolis, Heliópolis and Capão Redondo.

With the partnership of Amazon, Favela Llog expects to expand even more, and to be present in at least 300 favelas this year. If the company's delivery project succeeds, the model should spread to more communities across Brazil.

In addition to greater inclusion, the partnership generates a turnover of approximately R$ 120 billion per year, as the favelas have 17 million potential buyers.

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