Artificial intelligence detects omicron

As technology increases, several areas are gaining updates and new research methods. In the health sector, for example, it is no different. With the last global pandemic due to the coronavirus, the need to resort to technological areas was huge. Many variants emerged after this pandemic outbreak, one of them being omicron. See below how the artificial intelligence detects omicrons and how all this was possible.

Even if the pandemic crisis has passed, there are variants present to this day. See what AI can do.

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In fact, it's not news to anyone that about 2 years ago we were going through a pandemic crisis at a global level. O coronavirus came and affected millions of people, either through internment or even death.

However, although many people believe that everything is over, this is not true. Shortly after the outbreak, several variants began to emerge, which still leaves many concerned and cautious.

As an example, we can mention Ômicron. It is a variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The B.1.1 529 strain was reported to the World Health Organization from South Africa on 24 November 2021.

When it comes to technology, the world is increasingly ahead in this matter. Recently, an artificial intelligence detected, through audio samples from YouTubers, who was or was not infected by the variant.

The reported accuracy was 80% and, according to the researchers, it is a quick and inexpensive way to identify cases.

In the midst of so many studies, researchers are aware that vocal alterations cannot be considered a key symptom for the infection. Therefore, they say that behind the Artificial Intelligence the results end up demonstrating a subtle “Omicron-specific laryngitis”. In this way, they use this information to confirm whether or not the person has the virus.

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