Feed factories urgently need to recover contaminated products

A determination by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) was recently released, which directs product manufacturers to Feeding animals that purchase propylene glycol, in batches suspected of contamination by ethylene glycol, must report within 72 hours.

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This action is taking place, as the agency identified two batches of the chemical that were possibly adulterated.

Despite all the efforts that MAPA staff are putting in to identify which would be the brands that used the compound contaminated, in order to remove them from the market as soon as possible, the real origin of this possible alteration of the product is still unknown until the moment.

The company Tecnoclean Industrial LTDA was appointed by the federal agency as responsible for selling the contaminated propylene glycol lots, however the animal food manufacturer, Bassar Pet Food, issued a note where it stated that it only resold the feed, therefore it is not responsible for the production of the same.

This Thursday, the 8th, Tecnoclean Industrial LTDA stated in a note that the product in question was acquired through a third manufacturer called A & D Química Comércio Eireli, located in São Paul.

“It should be noted that Tecnoclean Industrial LTDA does not manufacture propylene glycol, having only purchased it from the company A & D Química Comércio Eireli, which is an importer. It resold to the national market only as a distributor”, was the company's statement. They tried to contact the São Paulo company that was appointed by Tecnoclean as responsible for importing the contaminated product, but there was no response.

Based on this information, we will be informing the MAPA recommendations for animal feed manufacturers. Check out:

  • Look for the batches that were indicated in the stocks and immediately carry out the segregation and suspension of the use of these products in the production lines;
  • It is necessary to carry out a traceability check on production orders since January 2022 to try to identify the products where the batches have been manufactured using these products as raw materials and if they are found, they must proceed with the collection of the same in the wholesale trade and retailer. It is worth noting that this action should reach people who also purchased the products at home.
  • Inform MAPA if they still have any of these products in stock;
  • Inform if they have other batches of propylene glycol in stock, which are of the same origin and not related to Official Letter 424/2022/DIPOA. Also specify which batches these are. It is recommended that all the raw material that was received from Tecnoclean Ltda be retained and that all the lists of the batches that they may have in stock be presented;
  • We also suggest that you review extremely rigorously the procedures for selecting suppliers and receiving raw materials, especially those for propylene glycol.

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