Analyze the image and find the hidden trophy

Ever tried looking for a needle in a haystack? Most answers will be no, and the justification is clear. In this optical illusion that we brought you today, you will need to find a trophy hidden among countless glasses and bottles of beer. It won't be an easy task, but it can be a lot of fun. To find what this optical illusion hides, stay tuned for hints and clues.

Watch the image very carefully and have fun!

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How to find the hidden trophy?

Stonegate Pub Company created the following image and asked their readers to have fun finding the trophy hidden among the beer mugs.


However, this became a very complicated task for most of its readers, who claimed not to find the trophy in any corner of the image.

Some even went so far as to claim that there was no trophy on the figure. However, finally, a person said he had found it and that it was “on the right side of the image”. Another also claimed to have found the trophy, but said it was hidden in the center of the image.

Since then, the search for the trophy has been a very controversial and unresolved subject. If you haven't found it either, check out the tips below.

First, the trophy looks like this:

Now that you know how it should look, go back to the image and look again, it should be easier to find. Another important tip: look at the right corner of the image! When looking for the trophy, it's important to think about distinguishing between the yellow of the beer, and the yellow that the trophy features. This is one of the tricks used to make the search even more complicated.

It found? If not, so you can have a clear conscience, we've brought you the exact location of the trophy.

Response: Click here

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