Tragedy: former student invades school armed and kills young man, in Cambé (PR)

A former student invaded the Professora Helena Kolody State College, in Cambé, Paraná, and committed an attack on Monday, June 19.

the man was armed and shot one of the institution's students, killing her. Another student was also hit and is hospitalized in serious condition.

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The information was confirmed to the press by the state government, through an official note. “According to initial information, there was an episode of violence. One student died and another student was shot and is hospitalized,” says the text.

Still according to the statement, the former student would have entered the institution under the allegation that he would get his school transcript.

Former student of the school and victim were dating, says website

According to information found by the UOL website, the shooter and the victim had been dating for about a year. Armed with this information, the police began to investigate the case as a possible crime of passion.

Still according to the website, the former student fired about 12 shots, all of which took place during the break between classes. He was restrained by a school official, arrested in the act and taken to a police station in Londrina.

Police reported that, in addition to the gun, he also had an ax stored inside a backpack. However, the object was not used at the time of the crime.

UOL also said that a complaint was made that there were explosives in the boy's residence. Police from Paraná were on their way to investigate the suspect.

Second injured student

Another student was hit in the head by one of the bullets. He was rescued and taken to Santa Casa de Cambé. Afterwards, he was transferred to the University Hospital of Londrina.

The young man is in a very serious condition in the ICU, according to the G1 website. In note, the hospital reported that he is on ventilatory assistance, sedated and monitored. You doctors laboratory tests and a tomography will be carried out to understand the severity of the injuries.

He and the student killed by the former student would be dating, according to family members. This reinforces the theory that this would have been a crime of passion.

Governor and minister lament Cambé tragedy

As a result of tragedy, the governor of the state, Ratinho Junior (PSD), declared official mourning for three days and regretted what happened.

The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, also spoke about the Cambé tragedy during an official meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

“Sadly, we have seen violence once again manifest in the place that is most sacred to children and country's young people and their families", he pointed out, expressing solidarity with the relatives and friends of victims.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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