Learn to play instruments with these free mobile apps

play some musical instrument it is the dream of many people, and accomplishing this task would be a true achievement. However, the lack of time or financial resources can get in the way of this old desire. But we have good news, because this problem can be solved with the use of some apps to learn to play instruments.

That way, in the comfort of your home, you can enjoy that free time or even organize a study schedule to finally learn, and the best: it's free.

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Apps to learn to play musical instruments

  • Yousician

This application is responsible for training many musicians, nowadays, who resort to technology to learn. In case, the app it has basic instructions for ukelele, guitar, guitar, piano, bass and even singing, and even novices can learn.

Not to mention that it is very efficient, since it has tools to capture the sound of the notes you play and give you feedback on your performance. As well as having a large collection of songs for you to train as many times as you need.

  • Complete Rhythm Trainer

Those who own a smartphone can learn and train string instruments, piano, and even percussion, such as drums, through the Complete Rhythm Trainer. This application attracts many users worldwide, and has the advantage of working as a kind of game.

This way, you can have fun while learning through this method, which is very interactive. Within this collection you will find more than 200 different exercises and level up.

  • Cipher Club

People from the past generation who play an instrument will certainly remember this site, where it is possible to get figures and learn through video lessons. But now this great tool has evolved and is available as an app, with the quality assurance we know from the site.

Not to mention that Cifra Club continues with the collaborative format, which brings together the experience of several musicians from all over the country and the world to help you in your dream. In addition to having the largest bank of figures that you can find on the internet.

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