Techniques used by persevering people to have more willpower

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Self control. Discipline. Self-regulation. Persevering people tend to master these three qualities. Willpower is understood as the ability to delay gratification, resisting temptation or desires that can be obtained in the short term to achieve a long-term goal. In case you don't necessarily identify yourself as a persevering person, we've selected some Tips for more willpower:

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Develop more willpower

According to research published in 2019, willpower is linked not only to environmental factors - such as way you were raised and exposure to exercise and sports, for example – but also genetics. According to the study, about 60% of our ability to persevere is determined by our genes.

However, training your mind to exercise willpower is essential, especially in a world where simple and immediate pleasures are increasingly desired. Review the tips below:

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practice mindfulness

Focusing on the present is often a challenge. With everyday life increasingly linked to social media and excessive information, human beings are becoming increasingly anxious and having difficulty practicing meditation. For this reason, practicing exercises that combine breathing techniques with focusing on your thoughts can be excellent.

One of these exercises is Mindfulness, or Full Attention, which consists of performing activities in the most conscious way possible. That is, focusing exclusively on a certain task, leaving aside distractions, external thoughts.

The goal is to practice dedication and self-regulation. Individuals who self-regulate in other areas of life tend to self-regulate in relation to their desires as well. For this reason, they are more focused and determined. So this is an indirect way to exercise willpower.

Set realistic goals and plans

Let's assume you want to decrease the frequency of ordering food via app. It doesn't make sense to simply uninstall all delivery apps. If you are not self-regulated, in an extreme moment of hunger, you will fall into temptation. The secret? Set goals. Instead of deleting the app, put a reasonable amount in the Wallet. Never exceed this value.

That way, you'll keep asking, but the frequency will decrease – and you'll avoid compromising your credit card with unnecessary expenses. After each month, you just need to decrease the deposited amount little by little.

Do sleep hygiene

An ideally functioning brain needs, among other things, a good amount of sleep. For this, the ideal is for adults to rest daily for 7 uninterrupted hours. Sleep deprivation – or other sleep disorders, such as paralysis, failed sleep or overeating emotional stress throughout the night – is directly associated with difficulty in self-control and impulsivity.
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