Meaning of Restitution (What it is, Concept and Definition)

restitution has the meaning of devolution. The word is used to refer to the act of returning something that belongs to someone else or recovering what has been lost.

Another meaning of the word restitution is to return an object or situation to its original state.

Restitution can also be used in the sense of repaying a debt, receiving compensation or refund an amount in cash.

The word comes from Latin restitutio.onis, which means "to restore" or "to restore".

Common synonyms for the word are: return, refund, chargeback, restoration and return. They can be antonyms of restitution: subtraction, extortion, extinction, dispossession and maintenance.

Know the meaning of Scouring.

The word is also used a lot in relation to income tax (IR). THE income tax refund is the return of a portion of the tax collected by the taxpayer.

The calculation of the amount returned in the IR refund is done after analyzing the taxpayer's income and the expenses declared by him.

See more about the meanings of Income tax and Tax.

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