Formation of Simple Times

Studying the formation of simple tenses, which are verbs expressed by a single word, is essential for learning to conjugate regular verbs correctly.

So, initially, it is important to know that the verbs have their origin in the so-called primitive tenses: Present Indicative, Perfect Indicative Past, Impersonal Infinitive.

To learn more also read the article: Simple Times.

Primitive Verbal Tenses

There are three primitive tenses. They are so called because they are tenses and modes that form or give rise to other tenses and verbal modes.

Primitive times are:

  • Present tense
  • Past perfect tense of the indicative
  • impersonal infinitive

All remaining times are derived from it.

Read too: Imperfect Indicative and Subjunctive Past tense.

Derived Verbal Tenses

  • Derivatives of the Present Call: Imperfect Indicative Past, Present Subjunctive and Imperative.
  • Derivatives of the Past Perfect Indicative:Past perfect past tense Indicative, Imperfect Subjunctive Past, Subjunctive Future.
  • Derivatives of the Impersonal Infinitive: Future of Present Indicative, Future of Past Indicative, Personal Infinitive, Gerund, Participle.

From the root of primitive times the endings of time and mode are added, resulting from this combination the derived tenses.

These are paradigms relevant to regular verbs, since these verbs do not change their stem.

Derivatives of the present indicative

Derivatives of the Present Indicative are: Imperfect Preterit of the Indicative, Subjunctive Present it's imperative.

Imperfect tense of the indicative

In verbs of the 1st conjugation (thematic vowel A) the endings are added to the stem: -ava, -avas, -ava, -amos, -áveis, -avam.

Verb to love (stem am-)
amava, ohgoodbye, ohava, ohwe were, ohable, ohavam.

In the verbs of the 2nd conjugation (thematic vowel E and O) and the 3rd conjugation (thematic vowel I) the endings are added to the stem: -ia, -ias, -ia, -ias, -íeis, -iam .

verb to drink (stem baby-)
babywas going, babyyou were, babywas going, babywe were going, babyyeis, babywere going.

Verb to leave (stem part-)
partwas going, partyou were, partwas going, partwe were going, partyeis, partwere going.

Subjunctive Present

In the verbs of the 1st conjugation (thematic vowel A) after removing the ending -o of the 1st person present tense, the following endings are added: -e, -es, -e, -emos, - eis, -in.

Verb to love (1st person in the present tense: love)
amand, ohare you, ohand, ohemos, ohbehold, ohin.

In the verbs of the 2nd conjugation (thematic vowel E and O) and the 3rd conjugation (thematic vowel I) after removing the ending -o of the 1st person present tense, the following endings are added: -a, -as, -a, -amos, -ah, -am.

Verb to drink (1st person in the present tense: bebo)
babyThe, babyat, babyThe, babyloves, babyoh, babyam.

Verb to leave (1st person in the present tense: childbirth)
partThe, partat, partThe, partloves, partoh, partam.


Both in the 1st and in the 2nd and 3rd conjugation verbs the 2nd person singular and the 2nd person plural are the same as those of the present tense without the final -s. The other people are identical to the people in the subjunctive present.


verb love
(2nd person singular of the present indicative: loves and 2nd person plural of the present tense: more)
(3rd person singular of the present subjunctive: love; 1st person plural of the present subjunctive: let's love and 3rd person plural of the present subjunctive: Amen)
amThe you love him love us lovethere ye love them.

verb drink
(2nd person singular of the present indicative: babies and 2nd person plural of the present tense: babies)
(3rd person singular of the present subjunctive: drink it; 1st person plural of the present subjunctive: let's drink and 3rd person plural of the present subjunctive: drink)
babyand you, drink him, let's drink, babyHey ye, drink them.

verb to break
(2nd person singular of the present indicative: parts and 2nd person plural of the present tense: you break)
(3rd person singular of the present subjunctive: leave; 1st person plural of the present subjunctive: let's leave and 3rd person plural of the present subjunctive: leave)
partand you leave him, let's leave us,i ye, let them go.

Derivatives of the Past Perfect Indicative

Derivatives of the Past Perfect Indicative are: Past perfect tense of the indicative, past tense imperfect of the subjunctive, future of the subjunctive.

Past tense More-than-perfect of the indicative

In both the 1st and the 2nd and 3rd conjugation verbs, the following endings are added to the respective themes: -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -reis, -ram.


Verb to love (topic: love)
lovefrog, loveras, lovefrog, lovebranches, lovekings, loveram.

Verb drink (topic: bebe)
babyfrog, babyras, babyfrog, drinkbranches, drinkkings, babyram.

Verb to leave (topic: to leave)
leftfrog, leftras, leftfrog, I leftbranches, I leftkings, leftram.

Imperfect Subjunctive Past tense

Both in the verbs of the 1st and in the verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation, the following endings are added to the respective themes: -sse, -sses, -sse, -ssemos, -seis, -ssem.


Verb to love (topic: love)
loveif, lovesses, loveif, lovelet's go, lovesix, lovewithout.

Verb drink (topic: bebe)
babyif, babysses, babyif, drinklet's go, drinksix, babywithout.

Verb to leave (topic: to leave)
leftif, leftsses, leftif, I leftlet's go, I leftsix, leftwithout.

Future of the Subjunctive

In both the 1st and the 2nd and 3rd conjugation verbs, the following endings are added to the respective themes: -r, -res, -r, -rmos, -rdes, -rem.


Verb to love (topic: love)
lover, loveres, lover, loverms, loverdes, loverem.

Verb drink (topic: bebe)
babyr, babyres, babyr, babyrms, babyrdes, babyrem.

Verb to leave (topic: to leave)
leftr, leftres, leftr, leftrms, leftrdes, leftrem.

Impersonal Infinitive Derivatives

Derivatives of impersonal infinitive they are: Future of Present Indicative, Future of Past Indicative, Personal Infinitive, Gerund, Participle.

Future of the present indicative

Both in the verbs of the 1st and in the verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation the following endings are added to the respective infinitives: -ei, -ás, -á, -emos, -eis, -ão.


Verb to love (infinitive: to love)
loveHey, loveat, loveá, loveemos, lovebehold, loveto the.

Verb drink (infinitive: drink)
drinkHey, drinkat, drinká, drinkemos, drinkbehold, drinkto the.

Verb to leave (infinitive: to leave)
leaveHey, leaveat, leaveá, leaveemos, leavebehold, leaveto the.

Future of the past tense of the indicative

Both in the verbs of the 1st and in the verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation the following endings are added to the respective infinitives: -ia, -ias, -ia, -ias, -íeis, -iam.


Verb to love (infinitive: to love)
lovewas going, loveyou were, lovewas going, lovewe were going, loveyeis, lovewere going.

Verb drink (infinitive: drink)
drinkwas going, drinkyou were, drinkwas going, drinkwe were going, drinkyeis, drinkwere going.

Verb to leave (infinitive: to leave)
leavewas going, leaveyou were, leavewas going, leavewe were going, leaveyeis, leavewere going.

Personal infinitive

Both in the verbs of the 1st and in the verbs of the 2nd and of the 3rd conjugation, the following endings are added to the respective infinitives: -es, -mos, -des, -em.


Verb to love (infinitive: to love)
love me, loveare you you love him lovemos we lovedes you lovein they.

Verb drink (infinitive: drink)
drink me, drinkare you you drink him drinkmos we drinkdes you drinkin they.

Verb to leave (infinitive: to leave)
break me, breakare you you, he broke, he leftmos we leavedes you, leavein they.


In the formation of the gerund, both in the verbs of the 1st and in the verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation, the suffix -r is replaced by the suffix -going.

lovegoing, babygoing, leftgoing.


In the formation of the participle, both in the verbs of the 1st and in the verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation, the suffix -r of the infinitive is replaced by the suffix -of, remembering that in the case of verbs of the 2nd conjugation whose thematic vowel is E, this vowel is replaced by I.

loveof, drankof, leftof.

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