About or About: when to use?

The “about” written together, and the “about” written separately, are terms used in different contexts. Therefore, they cause a lot of confusion when writing a text.

To solve the doubt, check below the rules, the uses and some examples.


About, written together, is an adverb that means something is close. It is very common to be used with the preposition “of”, thus forming a prepositional phrase: about.

In this case, it is used with the meaning of about, about, with respect to, relative to, etc.


Our opinion about The theme is that such actions are of utmost importance.
That night we discussed about of our relationship.

Note: The term "approach" is a transitive and pronominal verb that means approximation, for example: Somos nos approaching of the property.


The fence, written separately, means “approximate” being synonymous with the adverb “near”. It is formed by the article “a” and the noun “about”. This term is usually accompanied by the preposition “of”.

Example: We are about 15 km from Sao Paulo.

Note: when we use the expression "about" it means "approximately", for example:

About five hundred people died in the plane crash.
About ten thousand people were in the march.
The campaign provided about ten pounds of food.

And the There is Cerca?

In this case, the “ha”, a conjugated form of the verb to exist, is used with the meaning of existing and indicates elapsed time. The expression “there is about” therefore means “it does approximately”.


There are about a month we are waiting for the consultation.
There are about two hundred books to donate.
I talked to Sabrina there are about two months.

Note: Note that “about” refers to distance and “there is about” to time.

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  • Above or Above?
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