Beware: 4 Subtle Signs Your Body Shows You When Your Cholesterol Is High

Eating habits and lifestyle are directly linked to health. Therefore, if you have an inadequate lifestyle, it is possible that your body will develop some health problems. An example is the accumulation of cholesterol that contributes to the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels. – such deposits can break down out of nowhere and form a clot which in turn causes a stroke or attack cardiac. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the cholesterol levels in your body.

Read more: Clean arteries and blood vessels naturally and avoid cholesterol

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The body always gives warning signs when something is not in compliance. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of these signs and thus treat them as quickly as possible. Therefore, we separate some signs that the body gives when the individual has high cholesterol. Check out the full text and learn more.

Signs of high cholesterol levels

Here are the main signs that the body gives us to indicate high cholesterol levels:

  • yellow nails 

The accumulation of cholesterol, as mentioned earlier, contributes to the formation of fat deposits. These deposits can end up blocking the arteries, thus limiting blood flow to various parts of the body, including the nails. The nails of those with high cholesterol often have dark lines underneath them that run in the direction of the nail growth.

  • Numbness in legs and feet 

As the accumulation of fat deposits ends up interrupting the blood flow, sometimes the blood cannot reach the arms and feet. This flow interruption can lead to pain and/or numbness in places lacking in oxygen-rich blood. In addition, cold legs and feet, wounds that do not heal and cramps are also very common characteristics of those with high cholesterol.

  • excess sweat 

Sweating is a very common symptom of high cholesterol, yet it is largely ignored. If you don't have a fever or flu, you need to be aware of the cause of that sweat.

  • peripheral arterial disease 

Peripheral vascular disease is a sign of fatty deposits building up on artery walls. This condition can cause discomfort in the hands and feet and affect day-to-day activities. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive.

This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

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