Vocal fold polyps

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The vocal folds may have lesions containing blood, called polyps. Of a benign nature, the main causes of its occurrence are vocal effort – whispering, talking too loudly, talking too much when having the flu, clearing my throat, straining certain syllables, etc. - and smoking. It is believed that allergic processes and gastroesophageal reflux can also lead to this condition.
Occupying a variable area and appearing alone or together, they have a smooth, gelatinous and translucent mass. They reach the most diverse age groups, in both sexes. Hoarseness is one of its symptoms, as such formations disturb the normal vibration of the vocal folds. Irritation and the presence of mucus can also indicate them.
The presence of these associated factors, lasting more than ten days, requires the analysis of the vocal cords by an otolaryngologist. This will examine the vocal cords with the aid of a mirror, and may order a biopsy to rule out possible cancer. If the presence of polyps is confirmed, treatment can be done with the use of steroids or surgery, in more advanced cases.

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It is also important that the patient has a follow-up with the speech therapist, in order to be informed about the care they must have with their voice and apply such knowledge in their daily lives.
Do not smoke, do not drink alcohol in excess, do not talk while exercising, do not drink dairy products and chocolate before use your voice intensively, avoid dusty environments and/or strong smells, articulate words, speak slowly and ingest a lot liquid; are some measures capable of promoting the health of your vocal chords!

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology
Brazil School Team

Illnesses - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/polipos-nas-cordas-vocais.htm

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