Brazilian university creates game that helps treat Parkinson's disease

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O Parkinson's It is a degenerative neurological disorder that directly affects the patient's motor capacity. He is a chronic and progressive condition and is present in the lives of millions of people around the world.

For this reason, the search for a treatment or methods that attenuate the disease and lead to the remission of symptoms is something that worries researchers.

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With that in mind, the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) has developed a game designed especially for people who suffer from the disease. The research is the result of a partnership with the Université de Lorraine, in France.

The game aims to approach Parkinson's support and therapy in an innovative way. It is a promising tool for all people living with this condition.

Understand the innovative game created in Brazil for Parkinson's patients

Called “RehaBEElitation”, the game can be used not only by patients living with Parkinson's, but also by others with motor difficulties.

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In its characteristics, it combines virtual reality and therapy with “digital bees”. Players enter a digital world, in which they must control a bee through body movements.

The game uses manual movements used in physiotherapeutic treatments
(Image: Disclosure/Alexandre Costa)

To play, you need to use movement sensors that detect what the patient does during therapy. Each player is challenged to complete a series of tasks that improve coordination, mobility and functionality in the area affected by the disease.

As you progress in the game, patients are subjected to different bodily stimuli. They contribute to the rehabilitation of moves those who have been compromised by Parkinson's.

Award in France

The game stood out and received an important award at the Challenge Handiacap & Technologie in France. It won the “Autonomy” category due to its effective technology in treating the patients mentioned here.

Finally, new updates should incorporate the game, which is still in development. Soon, new therapy models can use the virtual environment developed in the game to improve the results of all those who suffer from Parkinson's.
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