In all, 5,000 people are expected to undergo the training process. All with specialties in the area of Information Technology (IT).
Sebrae, in partnership with Up Skill, offers 100 free online courses. Remote study opportunities include Technology courses. All have certification at the end of their studies.
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Up Skill is one of the largest professional training companies in Campinas. The partnership with the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Companies (Sebrae) appears to add value to the market. Currently, the demand for technology professionals is growing.
Obtaining a free qualification in the area could be the turning point for many Brazilian professionals. In all, 5,000 people are expected to undergo the training process. All with specialties in the area of Information Technology (IT).
free registration
Those interested must apply through the Workover Academy website. Just create a login and password, then you need to validate the registration email. Only then will the candidate have access to the complete list of courses.
Check the list of courses offered by Sebrae with Up Skill:
- Adobe XD;
- Algorithms and Programming Logic;
- Amazon DynamoDB Complete Tutorial for the beginners;
- Android Studio (creating app);
- Angular;
- Learning to program;
- Machine Learning with Python and scikit-learn;
- Arduino;
- Counter service;
- Test Automation;
- AWS;
- Azure;
- Big data;
- Blazor;
- Bootstrap;
- W#;
- C++;
- CakePHP 3;
- Cassandra;
- Chatbot;
- CodeIgniter;
- How to Edit Videos on Youtube – New Video Editor;
- How to Install an SSL Certificate (HTTPS);
- Communication;
- CorelDRAW Essential;
- Video Creation;
- Creating Layout in Photoshop;
- Creating your game in Unity;
- Creating a 2D Game;
- Creating a game with Python;
- CSS pseudo classes;
- CSS3;
- Cucumber;
- Basic Informatics course;
- Complete Course of Fundamentals of Big Data and Apache Hadoop;
- Complete Financial Education Course;
- Behavioral Course;
- EDITING course in SHOTCUT;
- Basic to Advanced Excel Course – Dr Ctrl;
- Figma Course – Complete Tutorial;
- Java course with Struts 2.2.3;
- Ruby on Rails Course for Beginners;
- Terraform course with AWS in Portuguese;
- Microsoft Project course;
- Spring MVC course;
- Swift and SwiftUI Course (Stanford 2020);
- Uncomplicating Kubernetes;
- Django;
- NET(.NET);
- DynamoDB Basic| Overview;
- Edit video with cell phone;
- Entrepreneurship;
- Excel;
- SEO tools;
- Firewall;
- Flask;
- Flint;
- Flutter;
- Foundation 5 for beginners;
- Framework x Library;
- GIT;
- Google Data Studio;
- Help Desk;
- Full HTML;
- Introduction to Oracle Primavera P6;
- Invision Studio;
- Ionic;
- Jaspersoft Studio;
- Java;
- Jenkins;
- Jira;
- Multiplayer games;
- jQuery;
- Kotlin;
- Laravel;
- C language;
- SQL language;
- SQL and PL/SQL language;
- Linux;
- Programming logic;
- Basic Virtual Machines;
- Data Driven Marketing;
- Materialize CSS;
- Meteor For Everyone Tutorials;
- Design Sprint Method;
- SCRUM methodology;
- Microsoft Power Bi;
- Sinatra mini course;
- Ruby testing mini course with Rspec;
- MS Project Mini-Course;
- Docker minicourse;
- Data Modeling;
- MongoDB;
- MySQL;
- Js;
- NodeJS tips that save;
- NoSQL;
- Objective-C;
- OpenStack;
- Oracle;
- Guidance for the 1st job;
- Professional orientation;
- Pentest;
- Photoshop for the Web;
- PHP;
- Digital Marketing Planning;
- PostgreSQL;
- Power BI Report Server;
- Power point;
- First project in Unity;
- Android Application Programming with Arduino;
- Project Online & Power BI;
- Pygame;
- Python;
- Raspberry Pi Getting Started;
- React in Practice;
- Neural networks;
- Redis;
- Ruby;
- SaltStack;
- Sass;
- Scratch;
- Scrum;
- Security and Encryption;
- SEO No Secrets;
- Professional shell script;
- Shotcut: Program Video Editing;
- Sketch;
- Windows OS;
- Soft Skill;
- SQL Server;
- Stress Test;
- Swift;
- Symfony 5 First Steps;
- TDD (Test-Driven Development);
- Telesales / Call Center;
- Software Testing;
- Unit Test;
- Thymeleaf;
- Work Home Office;
- Trello;
- TUTORIALS – Mobile Video Creation Apps;
- Google Analytics Basic Tutorial;
- TDD Tutorial with Python;
- TypeScript from Basic to Advanced;
- Unity 3D;
- UX – UI;
- VMware;
- js the Ninja Way;
- Word Basic;
- WordPress: Making it Beautiful with Elementor;
- Xamarin;
- XSS Cross-Site Scripting;
- ZEND Framework 3.