Top 4 anti-anxiety foods to calm your nerves

Anxiety is a problem that affects millions of Brazilians. Because of this, annually, there is a massive investment in medicines and treatments for the condition, especially when crises are recurrent. However, what many people still don't know is that some foods can help relieve anxiety symptoms. Check out:

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Chamomile has been used to relieve anxiety and stress for hundreds of years. That's because she has flavonoids, which are great for controlling these symptoms. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and relaxing properties. Therefore, you can invest in herbal teas during a crisis.


It is very common to eat chocolate in times of nervousness. After all, the food is also rich in flavonoids, which can greatly reduce neuroinflammation, improve blood flow and even reduce brain cell death. In that case, several studies point to the benefits it can bring to anxious people. Including, it's also a good source of magnesium, which can reduce symptoms of depression.


When it comes to balanced and nutritious diets, vegetables are indispensable, right? Therefore, because they are rich in vitamins and minerals, they help in the development and production of neurotransmitters, compensating for the deficiency that people with depression and anxiety have of this substance.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts, in addition to providing energy, are extremely rich in selenium, which helps regulate mood and reduce inflammation. In this way, it is possible to reduce anxiety symptoms in people with mood disorders, as the anti-inflammatory effect can promote a greater sense of relief.

Furthermore, the presence of vitamin E, also rich in antioxidants, may reduce the risk of developing depression. However, care must be taken with excessive consumption of food, as too much selenium in our body can have some side effects. In that case, about 4 chestnuts a day is enough on a diet.

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