Family allowance for everyone who has children: sign up for the benefit

Many Brazilians do not know that there is the family allowance, which is paid to those workers who have children under 14 years of age. However, it is necessary that the family meets the requirements of the program in order to apply for the benefit.

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In order to guarantee the family allowance, the worker obviously has to have a child(ren) and meet the maximum income requirement set by the Federal Government. This amount is paid to the person who works from the domestic environment to the individual or self-employed worker, according to the number of children. Another requirement is their age, as it is necessary that the dependents of that worker be under 14 years old.

The request for this salary must be made directly to the employer, and to whoever works in a autonomous or separate, the request must be made to the union or another body to which it is attached. Those who receive their benefits from the INSS (National Social Security Institute), such as retirement, must apply through this body.

According to the government team, this value is passed on to parents who have children of any age when there are disability situations. As previously mentioned, the value of the benefit may vary depending on the number of children. For example, those who have only one child receive R$56.47, while those who have two will receive R$112.94. Parents of three children receive R$ 169.41 and so on gradually.

In order to apply for this benefit, certain documents are required, such as:

  • Identification document with photo and CPF number;
  • Statement of responsibility;
  • Birth certificate of each dependent;
  • Vaccination booklet or equivalent for dependents up to 6 years old;
  • Proof of school attendance of dependents between 7 and 14 years of age;
  • Application for family allowance (only for retirement processes or when not requested in the disability benefit application).

This benefit is renewed annually, always in November. It is also necessary, every 6 months, to prove that all children are attending school, the first time in May and the second in November. In other words, to continue being part of this benefit, children need to be going to school, in addition to having all their vaccines up to date. In this way, the family does not run the risk of losing their salary.

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