Everyday textual genres. Section of everyday textual genres

Everyday textual genres... speaking like this, it seems this subject, literally, to be related to recurrent, routine positions, yes? Of course, especially because it strongly emphasizes the term “everyday”. But, referring to the word “genres”, what would it be related to?

Well, through our conduct as users of the language, we actively participate in different communicative situations, whether they are manifested through verbal language or through non- verbal. Thus, being in this environment, even before we say a few words, from the moment the information begins to be processed in our mind, certain intentions are activated, certain purposes that we propose through the dialogue now established. Thus, it is worth stating that, depending on what you want to say, we have at our disposal an infinite number of resources, which range from the structure of the texts we build to the language itself.

In this sense, we can count on the textual modalities - narration, dissertation and description, considered basic typologies, since they, once determined, will act as a support for us to appropriate the structures specific to each text and let's create our speech in an adequate way to the objectives we want to achieve in front of the interlocutions established. Thus, nothing better than a section, yes, a section, specifically prepared for you who want to interact with fully with the various communicative situations in which we participate daily - which is why they are called “genres”.

Thus, based on these aspects, here will be many of them that, due to their recurrent character, are considered to belong to the daily, as is the case of the email, blog, personal letter, personal report, anyway... no, it doesn't cost us to prove it, agree!!!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/generos-cotidiano.htm

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