The geniuses of the zodiac: meet the 5 signs with extraordinary intelligence!

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A intelligence Human life is a complex object of study that is influenced by the most diverse factors, including the signs of the zodiac. As such, astrology can help determine what types of intelligence you possess or are predisposed to have.

So, check now which are the 5 smartest signs according to astrology.

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Understand what kind of intelligence you have

Intelligence is something difficult to determine, so check out the most intelligent signs and their predispositions:


Being the most valued logical-mathematical intelligence by society, this air sign is among the most intelligent. Their inherent curiosity fuels their constant quest for knowledge.

This is evidenced by its quality to demonstrate knowledge in several areas. In addition to an enormous creative capacity, they always bring unusual solutions to the most complex problems, often even being considered eccentric.

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Being the most observant and communicative of the signs, Gemini has a great predisposition for linguistic intelligence and is always remembered when we refer to the most intelligent.

Their speed of reasoning and learning are outstanding factors of this air sign, thus obtaining a great generalized knowledge and an extreme facility to transmit them.

This ability to develop thoughts and ideas facilitates their interaction with language, whether spoken or written, thus acquiring an incredible ability to report lived experiences.


Always synonymous with focus and ambition, Capricorns always stand out when ranking the smartest signs.

Their desire to get what they want is always the greatest motivator for this earth sign, making them methodical and extremely studious. Capricorn has a great disposition for financial intelligence.


This water element sign is characteristically the most perceptive and astute of the zodiac, thus possessing great interpersonal intelligence.

In addition to having great mental strength, the skills socioemotional they are the highlight of people of this sign, being resilient and able to face the most diverse challenges.


Critical, detail-oriented, always in search of perfection, Virgos, who are considered boring by others, have a great predisposition for studies. This earth sign's inherent meticulousness makes it an example of planning.

Always in search of knowledge, the members of this sign hate being wrong and therefore surround themselves with all the information and support possible to defend their ideas.

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