Graphite. the art of graffiti

Graffiti art is a form of artistic expression in public spaces. The most popular definition is that graffiti is a type of inscription made on walls. There are reports and traces of this art from the Roman Empire. Its appearance in the Contemporary Age took place in the 1970s, in New York, in the United States. Some young people started to leave their marks on the city walls and, some time later, these marks evolved with techniques and designs.

Graffiti is directly linked to various movements, especially Hip Hop. For this movement, graffiti is the way to express all the oppression that humanity lives, especially the less favored, that is, graffiti reflects the reality of the streets.
Graphite was introduced in Brazil in the late 1970s, in São Paulo. Brazilians were not content with North American graffiti, so they began to enhance the art with a Brazilian touch. The Brazilian graffiti style is recognized among the best around the world.

Many controversies revolve around this artistic movement, as graffiti is performed with artistic quality on the one hand, and on the other, it is just visual pollution and vandalism. Graffiti or vandalism is characterized by the act of writing on walls, buildings, monuments and public roads. The materials used by graffiti artists range from traditional spray cans to latex.

Main terms and slang used in this art;
Graffiti artist/writer: the artist who paints.
• Bit: imitate the style of another graffiti artist.
Crew: is a group of graffiti artists who get together to paint at the same time.
Tag: is the graffiti artist's signature.
Toy: is the beginning graffiti artist.
Spot: place where the art of graffiti is practiced.

by Eliene Percília
Team Brazil

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