Migraine: diagnosis and treatment

Migraine is the most frequent and debilitating type of headache. Its causes include hereditary genetic factors; lifestyle and eating habits; presence of noise and odors; and hormonal issues when it comes to female patients.

Since it comprises a series of chemical imbalances that occur in the brain, there is no specific test to diagnose it. Given these factors, the International Headache Society has recently created some diagnostic criteria for migraine and these are used by many physicians in order to recognize it. Some tests may also be necessary to rule out the existence of other diseases, such as tumors.

For treatment, the use of certain drugs, including analgesics for patients who have more than three attacks per month, may be necessary. However, such measures are generally palliative, as they only control crises. Herbal medicines, electrodes and acupuncture are also used to circumvent the situation.

In this way, lifestyle changes may be able to control symptoms or even cure. So, sleep well at regular times; do not fast for more than five hours; drink plenty of water; do not expose yourself to the sun when it is very strong; avoid exposure to strong odors and cigarettes; and, in the case of women, gynecological follow-up; are necessary.

As for food, try to avoid:

- coffee and foods containing caffeine;
- chocolate and other foods containing phenylethylamine;
- sweeteners with aspartame;
- industrialized cow's milk;
- excess sweets;
- breads and pasta in general;
- Chicken meat, as it can contain high levels of antibiotics, artificial hormones, among other additives;
- alcoholic beverages;
- yellow cheeses, due to tyramine;
- citrus fruits and bananas;
- dyes such as nitrites and nitrates;
- colored confections, due to the aniline;
- monosodium glutamate, present in oriental cuisine sauces;
- industrialized products in general.

By Mariana Araguaia
Brazil School Team

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Migraine: characteristics

Illnesses - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/enxaqueca-diagnostico-tratamento.htm

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