Chatbots, those automatic chats, make anyone lose patience and give up on customer service. With so much bureaucracy, many times the tool is not programmed to meet your needs, which may have generated the market the need to create a robot that answers everything with clarity and that is adapted to the adversities that may arise during the conversation.
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Check now the news of this robot that answers everything
This robot has great potential to reduce search demand on Google, understand the reasons:
1. ChatGPT
ChatGPT was open for free so anyone could try out this new chat tool. conversation and already in the first week, more than 1 million users challenged the answer power and robot knowledge.
2. Robot that answers everything, or almost everything
With the excitement of Brazilians for the World Cup, the robot was asked if Brazil would win the Cup and the answer could not be any other, the robot said it did not know.
The information went viral on the internet, as the robot apologized for not having knowledge about future events, its capacity being limited to more precise training, without predictions.
3. But after all, how does this robot work, what does it do?
This robot is like a Siri or an Alexa (voice assistants from Apple and Amazon, respectively), however, the robot still does not respond verbally, only through texts.
4. Why has it become a threat to Google?
The difference between the robot and Google is due to the fact that with the robot, we don't need to click on any link to get the answer we are looking for.
With it, the answers are immediate and detailed, with fluent text, seeming to be written by a person and not by a machine as we are used to.