Vindictive or fair? Uber cancels ride after recognizing passenger

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A video went viral on social media when an app driver decided to take revenge on the passenger. He was working on two platforms at the same time, and a passenger canceled the ride on app 99. After canceling the ride with the driver, she requested the same ride, only this time it was for Uber.

Coincidentally, the race fell to the same driver and he didn't let the woman's decision pass. The driver accepted the race and decided to question her, asking if she would cancel the app race again. In response, the passenger said she was waiting.

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In revenge, the driver drove to the place, accepting the race, came close to where the passenger was and canceled. In addition to canceling, he waved at the woman and smiled, making fun of the situation. The practice of canceling on the platform has already been discussed with Uber, which even unsubscribed more than 15,000 people in 2021.

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Both the driver and the passenger can cancel the ride, and the reason can be different in the situations. Uber indicates that the practice of excessive cancellation can harm the platform.

“They interfere with its operation and intentionally harm the experience of other users and drivers. Own teams and technologies review cancellations to identify suspected violations of the Code of Community and, if proven, banning the accounts involved, of drivers and passengers,” said the Uber.

In some cases, when there is a high number of driver cancellations, Uber has even distributed discounts or free trips to compensate for the passenger experience.

It is important to remember that these attitudes, when done on purpose, can harm both the driver and the passenger, as each case of cancellation needs to be justified at the platform.

Although the vengeful driver has gone viral, these are cases where we need to consider both sides of the coin. Perhaps, for him, the act “washed the soul”.

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