Infallible and subtle tip to be able to detect a narcissistic person

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In Greek mythology, the story of Narcissus is a famous narrative that illustrates the ideal concept of narcissism. Narciso was a young man of extreme vanity who was delighted to see his own reflection in the water and fell in love with him. Do you know anyone like that?

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This story is often used as a metaphor to describe narcissistic personality disorder in psychology.

Clinically, individuals with narcissistic personality disorder they often have an inflated self-image and place themselves on a higher pedestal than others.

This can lead to stubborn, bossy, envious behavior or a heightened sensitivity to criticism. These characteristics can cause difficulties in interpersonal relationships and negatively affect the individual's social and emotional life.

It is true that many people prefer to avoid personal or professional relationships with narcissistic individuals. Dating a narcissist can be challenging as these people have a tendency to see others as mere extensions of themselves and this can be downright unhealthy.

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According to a recent study published in cientific magazine Psychophysiology, there is a strategy for identifying and avoiding introducing a narcissist into your life.

Psychologists have found that the narcissists have a particular aversion to criticism and tend to subtly reveal their intense discomfort when faced with criticism.

How to get rid of narcissists? Psychologists have found the solution!

The Doctor. Ville J. Harjunen, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology and logopedia at the University of Helsinki and author study correspondent explained that the study results show that people with narcissistic traits display a pronounced covert emotional reactivity when faced with negative feedback about their performance.

This covert emotional reactivity means that although narcissists do not show their emotions intentionally, they reveal in inadvertent and subtle ways that they are having an emotional reaction to the criticism.

The study involved 57 individuals aged between 18 and 44, who underwent a series of assessments to determine their level of narcissistic tendencies. Initially, they answered questionnaires that explored these characteristics.

Next, participants faced challenging cognitive tests. At the end of these activities, they were connected to biological monitoring devices that recorded their physiological responses while receiving feedback, both neutral and negative.

Although the more narcissistic individuals stated that they were not particularly disturbed by negative feedback about themselves, the results showed that they exhibited amplified activity in terms of ocular constriction and frowning compared to lesser participants. narcissists.

These physiological responses suggest that the criticism bothered them more intensely, revealing a contrast between their overt responses and their physiological reactions. Ordinary people are not unable to spot narcissists as they just have to adopt tried and tested methods.

To prove the indications, of course, scientists need more extensive research, but it is a simple condition to avoid a daffodil in your life: realize how bad a simple criticism. Choose the right people to participate in your life for the sake of mental health!

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