See the distribution of more than 8,000 vacancies in the IBGE competition

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The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) opened a process very simple selection process for new census takers and also for census agents for the 2022 Demographic Census. There are a total of 8,231 vacancies at fundamental and higher levels. Find out how you can apply.

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Distribution of vacancies

It was determined that 7,795 vacancies will be allocated to census takers, where a complete fundamental level is required and remuneration is offered according to the student's productivity.

They will be destined for municipal census agents and supervisors 436 opportunities, where a complete secondary level is required. Salaries will be R$ 2,100 for municipal census agents and R$ 1,800 for supervising census agents.

The main purpose of the census taker is to interview residents during the collection of information. Since the remuneration is based on production, it can be a variable income, because it changes according to the time that the enumerator will dedicate to the work and also with the degree of difficulty in approaching the domiciles.

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The municipal census agent will manage the work of the collection point while the supervising census agent, who is subordinate to municipal, its main function is to guide census takers during the period in which they are carrying out work in the field.

Opportunities for the functions of municipal census agent and supervisory census agent will be a single application. Candidates who achieve a higher classification at the time of the contest will be offered a job as a municipal census agent. For the other candidates, the chances will be guaranteed in the categories of supervising census agent and according to the classification order.


That of those who will be census takers is at least 25 hours a week. The expected duration of the contract is up to three months, but this can be extended. It will depend on the occasion.

As the remuneration will be made by production, it will be calculated by census sector through a rate that was fixed and which is known in advance by the units surveyed, that is, urban households or rural. The type of questionnaire used will also be valid. In other words, whether the basic or sample was applied; the number of registered people; registration in control of data collection and other issues.

Speaking now a little about municipal census agents and supervisors, we point out that the working day is around 40 hours a week, which will be divided into eight hours a day. The forecast contract time for any of the two functions is up to five months. The good news is that this one can also be extended.

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