How solar power plants work

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Plantssolar are electric power generation stations that capture the energy from the electromagnetic radiation issued by Sun. The sun produces a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat. A small part of this energy can be used to produce electricity in a clean and sustainable way.

What is solar energy?

Energysolar is a term used when referring to the different forms of energy coming from the sun. Stars like the Sun produce energy through the atom fusion in hydrogen. In this process, part of the mass of the combined atoms is lost, turning into electromagnetic waves, that span a wide spectrum of frequencies: from infrared (heat), visible light, ultraviolet rays to gamma radiation.

Part of this immense amount of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves reaches the Earth, heating it and promoting the maintenance of different forms of existing life. With the advancement of Physics and the development of new materials, we learned to use solar radiation to produce electricity without generating pollution or causing major environmental impacts. This is possible through the

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See too: history of electricity

What are photovoltaic cells?

At cellsphotovoltaic are electronic devices capable of converting light into electrical energy through a phenomenon called photoelectric effect. This phenomenon was discovered by the German physicist Albert Einstein in 1905, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. The invention of the first photovoltaic cell, however, is attributed to the French physicist alexander-EdmondBecquerel. At the time, Becquerel was just 19 years old.

At the photoelectric effect, light behaves like a particle (photon) which, when colliding with certain materials, provides energykinetics big enough for its electrons to “jump” out of the material. These ejected electrons are called photoelectrons.

When we read about the operation of photovoltaic cells, used in solar panels, it is common to find different designations, such as It is madephotoelectric and It is madephotovoltaic. Fundamentally, it is the same phenomenon, however, in the It is madephotoelectric, the light incident on a surface ejects the electrons inside that material; at the It is madephotovoltaic, the incidence of light promotes a electric potential difference, which, in turn, leads to the formation of a chainphotoelectric.

How does the solar plant work?

The capture of solar energy works through the use of panels formed by the association of a large number of photovoltaic cells, also known as cellssolar. These cells are made of materials semiconductors capable of absorbing large swaths of the solar spectrum. Currently, most solar cells use the silicon in your state crystalline for the generation of electrical energy.

Lookalso: Ways to obtain solar energy

Technological advancement has allowed the production of solar cells that use single crystalsinsilicon for the production of electricity. These cells are much more efficient and also more expensive than traditional crystalline silicon solar cells.

The glass used to cover the solar panels also plays an important role: they are littlereflective, letting it pass almostall the light incident upon them. For this purpose, they are produced with a very low content of iron and other metals.

The combination of new photovoltaic materials and poorly reflecting glass allows for the creation of ever more efficient solar cells. Currently there are already photovoltaic cells with 26% efficiency, that is, these cells are capable of transforming 26% of the light energy that is radiated on them into electrical energy. Since the power per square meter radiated by the Sun at sea level is 1400 Watts/m², a 1 m² solar plate would be capable of generating up to 365 W.

It is estimated that an area of 496thousandkm² (about 25% of the area of ​​the Sahara desert or the entire territory of Spain) solar panels could produce enough energy for the whole world.

solar thermal power plants

In addition to capturing solar energy through solar panels, there are also power plantsthermosolar. These plants redirect solar radiation through concave mirrors pointed to a tower, which in turn holds a large amount of water, usually mixed with salt. THE greattemperature and the tallpressures stricken steam are used to move large turbines.

See a representation of a thermosolar plant.
See a representation of a thermosolar plant.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

→ Advantages

  • Does not emit pollutants;

  • Low maintenance expense;

  • Great access, due to the great solar incidence in Brazil;

  • Facilities that don't take up a lot of space.

→ Disadvantages

  • Climate dependency, as factors such as snow or rain directly affect energy generation;

  • Storage difficulty;

  • Low power compared to burning fossil fuels;

  • Places far away from the equator receive less sun and, therefore, are less suitable for using this form of energy.

How much does solar energy cost?

O priceinproduction Solar cells have been falling in recent years, reflected in the price paid by end consumers. Despite this, the cost for residential installation of this type of energy is still high and can vary between BRL 10,000 and BRL 50,000, according to the consumption of each residence.

The purchase, installation and approval of solar panels sufficient to generate electricity for an average home, around 3300 kWh during the zenithsolar (noon sun, around noon), with four people, they may have a cost of up to BRL 20,000. Despite its high value, the costs of installing this equipment are quicklyconverted. Some estimates indicate that, between 5 and 7 years, the entire cost is reversed, given the price of the kWh do Brasil, one of the highest in the world.

Solar parks in Brazil and around the world

Solar panels are used to produce electricity.
Solar panels are used to produce electricity.

→ Largest solar parks in Brazil

The installed power in the form of solar power plants in Brazil is approximately 1.19 GW, from several solar parks spread across the national territory. Check out the list below!

  • ParkSolarNewOlinda: it produces around 292 MW through 930 thousand solar panels and serves around 300 thousand homes.

  • Solar ParkItuverava: generates 254 MW, serving 268 thousand homes.

  • Solar ParkinWellJesusgiveslimpet: production of 158 MW of energy, distributed to 166 thousand homes.

  • Solar ParkinbeautifulHorizon: it serves about 108,000 families, producing up to 103 MW of energy.

  • Solar ParkinPirapora: In the future, it may become the largest solar power plant in Brazil, generating even 400MW of electricity.

→ Largest solar parks in the world

  • Solarstar (USA): generated power of up to 579MW.

  • topazSolar Farm (USA): 550 MW of power.

  • desertsunshine shello Farm (USA): 550 MW peak power.

  • Longyangxia (China): generating capacity of 480 MW.

  • ComplexBenban (Egypt): in 2019, it will be the largest solar plant in the world, with an installed capacity of 1.8 GW.

Currently, around 1% of all electricity produced in the Brazilian territory comes from solar energy, despite Brazil having the greatest solar potential in the world. Even so, the country produces less energy from solar sources than Germany, whose solar potential is less than the potential of the regions less sunny in Brazil.

By Me. Rafael Helerbrock

Source: Brazil School -

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