About 40% of German men urinate while sitting on the toilet

Did you know that urinate sitting down is a common gesture among men in Germany?

According to a survey carried out by the British market research company YouGov, it was found that 40% of German men always opt for urinate sitting. In practice, the percentage represents a significant number of Germans who have adopted this practice.

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Worldwide, men from Germany rank first among men from 13 different countries when it comes to the percentage of those who choose to urinate while sitting down.

In contrast, the survey revealed that the act of sitting down to urinate was not as well received by US citizens surveyed.

Among the Americans surveyed, only 10% said they always sit, while 13% said they sit most of the time.

In addition, another 23% reported sitting sometimes, 17% rarely sitting and 31% never sitting when urinating.

Interestingly, the survey revealed that 6% of Americans surveyed were unsure about how they urinated.

Is there a correct position for urinating?

Gerald Collins, a renowned urologist and consulting surgeon at Alexandra Hospital in Cheshire, England, expressed his opinion that men should not urinate standing up, arguing that urinating while sitting is healthier and hygienic.

He made this claim during an interview with the Telegraph, following the release of a YouGov report on how men urinate.

According to the specialist, the practice of urinating while sitting is more efficient for some reasons in particular.

He explained that in this position, the muscles of the pelvis and spine are completely relaxed, which facilitates the “expulsion” of urine.

Collins also pointed out that this pose has many physiological benefits, such as protecting the muscles surrounding the prostate and bladder.

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