From ice to blood: Surnames that show Nordic roots

You vikings, also known as Norsemen, were a warrior and explorer people who lived during the Viking Age, between the 8th and 11th centuries. Originally from the regions that today correspond to Sweden, Norway and Denmark, the Vikings were known for their skills in navigation, trade, looting and exploring new lands.

Even after hundreds of years, millions of people around the world still have Viking ancestry. Want to find out if you have Viking blood running through your veins? We list some surnames that show Nordic roots.

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Traditional Viking surnames

In the context of surnames, the Vikings had an interesting cultural tradition. It was common for surnames to be created from the father's name, adding "son" (son) or "dottir" (daughter). This served to identify a person's parentage and lineage.

Furthermore, many Viking surnames were derived from personal traits, professions, geographic locations or elements of nature. Below we have listed some of the traditional Viking surnames:


Very popular in Sweden, the surname Eriksson means "son of Erik". In Old Norse, Erik means “absolute ruler” and is associated with famous Vikings named Erik.

Explorer Erik Thorvaldsson, known as Erik the Red, was famous for the color of his hair and beard. He is mentioned in Icelandic sagas and, in the 10th century, he was responsible for establishing the first Viking colony in Greenland.


The surname Dahl, widely found in Norway, has its origins rooted in the Norse landscape, as it means “valley” in the Old Norse language, highlighting the special relationship the Vikings had with nature and the land that surrounded them.


Sigurd, a name much used among the Vikings, is the origin of the surname Sigurdsson. With a Nordic ancestry, Sigurd carries the meaning of "guardian of victory".

In Norse mythology, the legendary Viking warrior Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye gained fame for his ability to defeat dragons. This name represents the courage and determination of the ancient Vikings.


Derived from the name Björn, which means “bear” in Old Norse, the surname Björnsson is very popular in Iceland. In Norse mythology, Björn Ironside was a renowned Viking leader and king of Kattegat.

This name carries with it a rich history and the image of a strong and courageous bear, symbolizing the strength and determination of the Vikings.


Another popular surname in Iceland, Magnusson originates from the name Magnus, which has Latin roots and means “great”. This name was extremely popular among the Vikings as it evoked power and grandeur.

Carrying with it a strong connotation of strength and grandeur, the surname Magnusson reflects the ancestral heritage of the ancient warriors of the north.

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