Cruzadinha: Do you know the name of all these cheeses?

Also known as crosswords, the crossword is a game that was developed over 100 years ago. It consists of using common letters to form different words in an integrated way in a diagram. The main key of the crossword is being able to remember all the names arranged on the board based on their number of letters.

In this way, even though it is not a very complex game, its execution depends a lot on your knowledge about the different themes present in the challenge. Now, it's your turn to solve a crossword, so check out the content below and have fun!

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cheese cross

In the following case, you will need to discover the names of 6 cheeses present around the world. Some of them are very common and can be easily found through the tips, however, in this crossword, there are some products that are not so famous and will require greater creativity and logical thinking to complete to charade.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Know the rules of the game

  1. The game must be done in a maximum period of 10 minutes;
  2. It is not valid to consult the answers before the start of the challenge;
  3. Don't ask others to help you solve the riddle;
  4. For a better execution of the game, read the tips carefully.

game tips

Here, we separate the main tips in relation to each interspersed word in the diagram. Check out:


3- France is its country of origin, made with cow's milk, it matures for at least 6 months, it is soft and creamy, its bark is white flowery, and the interior soft and creamy, its pairing combines fruits such as pear and apple, chestnuts and jams. Champagne, Cabernet red wine, Merlot, or Rosé wines.

5-Italy is its country of origin, made with cow's milk, it matures for at least 50 days, and can reach 2 or 3 months, it is a blue cheese with a natural and thin rind. It is a soft cheese with a creamy texture, a little brittle, and an intense flavor and aroma. It is consumed pure (in small pieces) or to make pasta sauce.

6- Switzerland is its country of origin, made with cow's milk, its maturation varies, reaching one year (more mature), it has a semi-hard texture, it has a naturally yellow rind and typical holes (holes), harmonizes with fruits such as apple and peach and Sauvignon Blanc wines, red Malbec.


1- It originates in Italy, it can be made from cow's or buffalo's milk, its maturation is fresh, white cheese with filada dough, originally made with buffalo milk. It is molded into different shapes such as balls, braids, etc. It has a very delicate and characteristic flavor, it is consumed preferably natural, seasoned with olive oil. It's also great for salads, like the famous Caprese Salad.

2- England is its country of origin, made with cow's milk, it has a minimum maturation of 9 months, and can reach more than two years in cheeses “vintage”, has a semi-hard texture, is the most consumed cheese in England, has a sweet flavor reaching quite pungent in softer cheeses. mature. The yellow color is the result of the addition of annatto.

4- Cheese of Italian origin, made with cow's milk, matured for at least 30 days, molded in different formats, including the “salami” type that is sold in Brazil, but also as a bottle, or pear. Some are smoked, have a yellow color and are consumed in small cubes or slices.

And then? Did you manage to find the name of all the cheeses in the challenge? Despite not being a difficult game, the time limitation may have added a dash of emotion to the process of solving the challenge.

This happens because, by limiting the available time, your brain can be divided between finding the answers and paying attention to the time available to run the game. Thus, any simple challenge can become complex when we understand how the human mind works.

Did you hit all the words arranged in the diagram? Below you will find the answers to the crosswords. Check out:


  1. Mozzarella;
  2. cheddar;
  3. Brie;
  4. Provolone;
  5. Gorgonzola;
  6. Emmental.

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