'Stop crossing your legs!'

Crossing the legs while sitting is a common practice, however, it is essential to be aware of the possible dangers to health and posture related to this behavior. Research shows that this position can cause imbalance in the hips, changes in the speed of blood circulation, elevation of blood pressure and damage to blood vessels.

Changes in muscle lengths and bone structure of the pelvis are more likely to occur the longer and more often the legs are crossed.

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Furthermore, this position can lead to misalignment of the spine and shoulders, as well as imbalance in head position and adverse effects on the neck due to muscle disharmony. The pelvis can be affected by misalignment caused by prolonged stretching of the gluteal muscles, which weaken.

The custom of crossing the legs can increase the possibility of scoliosis, greater trochanteric pain syndrome, and compression or damage to the peroneal nerve.

Studies also indicate that crossing your legs can interfere with sperm production, as testicular temperature needs to be lower than standard body temperature. The cross-legged position can raise the temperature of the testicles, resulting in a decrease in sperm quantity and quality.


However, in some situations, crossing your legs can be advantageous. Research from 2016 reveals that, for individuals with one leg longer than the other, crossing the legs can help adjust the height of both sides of the pelvis. Furthermore, such a posture appears to relax the core muscles and prevent overexertion, as well as improve stability of the sacroiliac joints.

The lotus position, a common posture in yoga and meditation where the legs are crossed on the floor, may not pose the same problems as crossing the legs while sitting in a chair. Yoga offers many benefits, even for those who already have knee problems.

Source: Shutterstock

In summary, it is recommended to avoid crossing your legs whenever possible. However, many of the risks related to this posture are intensified by underlying issues, such as a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. The main orientation is not to remain in the same position for long periods and to keep active regularly.

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