In recent years, working on weekends has become more and more common.

In the face of the pandemic faced in recent years, virtual work has emerged as an essential alternative to keep society running. In this context, the home office and hybrid modalities, which combine face-to-face and virtual work, gained space in the market.

According to a survey carried out by an American software company involving more than 130,000 workers, an increase in the work regime on weekends was observed. According to the study, the workload in this period grew by 5%, with averages exceeding 6 hours of work per day.

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Increases the volume of work during weekends

With the popularization of hybrid working hours, several paradigms have been transformed. Due to mass layoffs, many workers have taken on functions that were previously shared between three people, but are now performed by just one.

A survey conducted by US company ActivTrak analyzed more than 175 million work hours of approximately 134,000 workers using their productivity software. According to the data, which are completely anonymous, the workload on weekends, Saturday and Sunday, increased by about 5%, reaching 6.6 hours.

Report shows increase in daily working time

The survey carried out by the company also reveals that the daily workday was 10 hours and 9 minutes in the year 2022, compared to the standard average of companies, which is 8 hours.

In addition, the report also showed that technology and digital media sectors had an increase of about 25% in the number of hours worked only on weekends, if compared to the year 2021.

The reasons for these increases are the reduction in the number of employees, which places a burden on the remaining employees. Another reason is the flexibility offered by remote work, which allows demands to be completed on weekends.

In an interview, Gabriela Mauch, Vice President of ActivTrak's Productivity Lab, said: 'In addition, as people are more comfortable with flexibility, it is acceptable to log off at 3pm on Friday and handle work during the weekend week.

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