Emoji is considered a crime in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabian local media, using some emojis can lead you to prison. This is the case with the red heart emoji, for example. Sending it on WhatsApp can lead to up to 5 years in prison in the country.

This happens because, depending on the image or expression in the online chats, the use of the emoji make it count as a crime of harassment. To learn more about why the red heart emoji in Saudi Arabia can land you in jail, check out the full article!

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Heart emoji, forbidden?

Yes, violating this law in Saudi Arabia can face a prison sentence of two to five years. In addition, depending on the seriousness of the case, a fine of 125 thousand reais (in conversion) may still be included.

Really, using emojis there is no joke! If the violation is repeated, the fine can reach almost 400 thousand reais (in conversion). According to the country’s legal clauses, “any statement, act or gesture with a sexual connotation made by a person in relation to any another, which involves your body or your honor, or violates your modesty by any means, even through modern technology, will be defined as


In view of this, the use of emojis that may acquire a sexual or loving connotation is worth avoiding. Despite being something very common in Brazil, it is necessary to understand and respect the cultural differences of other countries. Especially when that difference concerns something so serious.

What to do when traveling to another country?

When traveling to distant countries, it is highly recommended that you do some prior research on local customs. Not only to contribute to the organization of the itinerary, but also to make it possible to avoid habits that are common in Brazil, but considered very frowned upon, and even criminal, in other countries. locations.

With that in mind, always do your research beforehand. That way, you can enjoy your trip in a safer way, and without taking unnecessary risks. And remember: to be welcome, it's always important to respect the local culture!

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