Is it possible to produce vodka from potatoes?

Lovers of alcoholic beverages and scholars of the subject are certainly interested in knowing how vodka is made, a popular Russian drink that looks like a glass of water but has a strong flavor and high alcohol content. Currently, most vodkas are not produced from potatoes, but it will be possible to create one vodka with that ingredient?

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Drink for hot and cold days

Russia's cold is known all over the world. For this reason, in the 19th century, some people created a strong drink, capable of warming up and causing fun sensations: vodka. The word derives from the term “voda”, which means “water” in Slavic.

The drink as we know it today is the result of a long historical process, and vodka producers have perfected the distillation process over time, to make the drink more pleasant for the taste.

That's because, initially, vodka had a bad taste and normally its use was not related to leisure time. On the contrary, the drink had a medicinal, anesthetic and disinfectant function, with alcohol levels around 90%.

Only in 1893 did the drink reach the format we know today: 40% alcohol and 60% water. The experiment carried out by scientist Dmitri Mendeleev made the drink popular. For example, vodka is currently the most consumed distilled beverage in the United States.

Can potatoes be used to produce vodka?

Vodka production is typically done with grains such as corn, wheat and rice. However, potatoes are also possible ingredients to participate in the distillation process of the drink. This is because vodka can be distilled with any product that has sugar or starch in its composition, such as potatoes.

In addition to potatoes, beets are also an option, as they are rich in starch. Grapes and coffee pulp are other ingredients used by certain companies to produce the drink.

The water used in the distillation process is also important. For this reason, distillers prefer water sourced from rivers or glaciers. Bad water can totally change the taste of the drink.

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