UNICEF highlights the right of children and young people to attend school

On May 18, the Chamber of Deputies approved the basic text that provides for the homeschooling, bill 3179/12.

However, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has shown concern about the effects that this approval may have on several children.

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The central idea of ​​the program is the idea that basic education will take place at home, that is, in the individual's own home, and that it is under the responsibility of parents or guardians. When this resource is applied, the child will no longer attend school on a regular basis, which would cause a certain impact on their communication and interaction with other classmates.

The bill is now on its way to the Federal Senate and, if approved, will go to the presidential sanction.

As far as UNICEF is concerned, it is asking senators to give priority to the guaranteed right of children and adolescents to attend school, when casting their votes.

The scenario in which Brazilian education finds itself is not the most favorable, after all, after two years of the pandemic, the level of education is completely disproportionate, not to mention the mental health of individuals. And now would be the right time to try to reverse the situation, bringing children and adolescents back into school fellowship.

As a survey was carried out, more than 1.4 million children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 years old were not attending school.

In addition, there is the factor that many children cannot understand the contents at home and end up returning to the classroom. showing worrying delays in learning, needing even more support and help from good education professionals and especially from school.

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