Formation of giant waves in Niterói has an explanation and raises concern

With a large part of the Brazilian population living on the country's coast, the love by the beach seems to be unanimity. Going out to enjoy and spend special moments on the beach is great therapy for many, however, depending on the weather conditions, a simple walk on the beach can be dangerous.

Recently, the formation of giant waves was recorded in Niterói-RJ, and the subject generated curiosities and concerns.

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Huge waves and undertow warning

It was in Niterói, in Rio de Janeiro, that many bathers were impressed by the presence of large waves on Itacoatiara Beach.

wave height

According to information from local surfers, the waves broke the barrier of 3 meters in height, and even, in some cases, reached 8 to 10 meters in height.

Why did this happen?

Climatempo clarified the situation confirming that the situation occurred due to the presence of a bomb cyclone in the region. This phenomenon is well known for accompanying extremely strong winds that make the sea revolt.

hangover alert

Due to the incident, the Navy responded and tried to issue an undertow alert, with the aim of alerting bathers and ensuring safety. Therefore, places with a hangover alert should be avoided for bathing, sailing and cycling on cycle paths close to the sea.

bathers reaction

In the social media, a profile that talks about the city of Niterói published a video showing the moment when a giant wave hits the beach. In the video, it is possible to perceive the excitement and surprise of the bathers, as the scene is fascinating and at the same time frightening.

Despite having a lot of people bathing in the sea and admiring the waterfall at the moment the giant wave arrives, fortunately, no one was injured. Check the post:

Hangover from the brabas!!

Saltwater waterfall at Pedra do Pampo on Itacoatiara Beach, Niterói-RJ.

— I'm from Niterói (@SoudeNiteroi1) April 2, 2023

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