Check out 7 tips to get rid of dampness in your home

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There is often uninterrupted and heavy rainfall in the winter period, which ends up bringing moisture into our homes. In addition to floors and walls that can become wet and slippery, weather conditions can also favor the appearance of mold and mildew on walls, furniture and, most of the time, in drawers and cabinets. So, learn how to get rid of this problem and see some tips that will help you solve it.

Read more: Air humidity

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7 tips to improve humidity at home

1. It's important to always check the outside of your home, as clogged gutters and broken shingles can cause water to pool in multiple places. This will allow more moisture to pass through the walls.

2. To avoid infiltration bubbles on the walls, paint them with paints that are waterproof. However, do this when the weather is right.

3. Use specific products in cabinets and drawers to reduce humidity. In addition, dehumidifiers can be placed on these furniture, and for closets, they can be used on hangers.

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4. If wet spots start to appear on the walls, the first step is to remove the moldy parts. For this, use a mixture of drinking water and bleach. Then, when the weather is dry, it's good to repaint.

5. Opening doors, windows and cabinets is important for the circulation of ambient air. Therefore, on sunny days, keep the room open as long as possible. On humid days, keep it open long enough to allow air to circulate.

6. The bathroom is usually the wettest room in the house, so avoid closing the door right after a shower. The best thing to do is leave it open to allow steam to escape.

7. Plants that draw excess moisture out of the air, such as peace lilies, can be beneficial because they also help purify the air.
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