Know how to recognize if your arteries are clogged through these symptoms

The arteries are clogged when there is an excess consumption of saturated fats that accumulate in our organism. As a result, people develop cardiovascular problems and may even have a heart attack. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the signs that the arteries are clogged. Keep reading and learn to identify some of them.

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How to know if the arteries are clogged?

Some signs of clogged arteries are ambiguous, as they can also be symptoms for other diseases and conditions. Therefore, none of the symptoms are definitive, but they invite you to consider whether this may be a present condition. Thus, it is always correct to relate the appearance of more than one symptom with habits of consumption of excess saturated fats. So, as soon as there is the slightest suspicion, the individual should seek help from a doctor, preferably a cardiologist.

Check out the main signs:

  • Difficulties to breathe

Certainly, one of the main symptoms of those suffering from clogged veins is difficulty breathing. Generally, people with this symptom will be those who cannot perform basic physical exercises without increasing their breathing rate. Also, it will be shorter and more difficult breaths.

  • chest pains

The main effects of high cholesterol will certainly be noticed in the chest area and this includes sudden and intense pain in the region. Experts even warn that the presence of chest pain can be a determining factor for identifying the problem of fat in the arteries, so be aware.

  • Pain when exercising

We have already mentioned how the breathing of those with clogged arteries will become faster and more labored when exercising. But that's not all, as the increased heart rate caused by exercise will also result in pain in the legs, arms and chest when you have clogged arteries.

  • erectile dysfunction

Finally, we have this symptom that people don't always relate to the problem of clogged arteries. In this case, the problem of fat in the arteries impacts the circulation of oxygen in our body and, consequently, the circulation of our blood. This will result in difficulty concentrating blood in the penis necessary for an erection.

This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

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