THESE are the most purchased items by Brazilians at Shopee

During the last few years, the Shopee gained a lot of popularity in Brazil, becoming one of the main sales platforms, especially with the social distancing caused by the pandemic.

Many virtual companies gained notoriety with social distancing, as we could not leave our homes to do basic day-to-day shopping.

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Despite being a Singaporean brand, Brazilian consumers found options to purchase a variety of goods at affordable prices.

You know those products that promise what they deliver and don't charge so much for it? It's Shopee!

We can even say that it is the passion of homeowners. With this, the platform created a mapping to be able to study user consumption.

This mapping was transformed into a list that contains the purchase preference of each state in Brazil.

The months of January, February and March of this year, for example, are already included in the report. Check out, therefore, the darling product divided by each Brazilian state.

What is the preferred purchase of each Brazilian state?

Below, Shopee has broken down the favorite buys from Q1 2023 by state:


Rio Grande do Sul: security camera with Wi-Fi signal;
Paraná: Powdered milk;
Santa Catarina: Humidifier and essence for electric air freshener;


Rio de Janeiro: Support for TV;
São Paulo: Newspaper for pets;
Minas Gerais: Men's jeans;
Holy Spirit: Locks that have threads.


Amapá: Headset with microphone;
Amazon: Sports Digital Watch;
Para: Headset with microphone;
Acre: Walkie talkies;
Rondônia: walkie talkies;
Roraima: Sports digital watch;
Tocantins: Lantern.

North East

Alagoas: Men's Moccasin;
Bahia: Men's dress shoes (Oxford);
Maranhão: Sports digital watch;
Paraíba: Motorcycle parts;
Pernambuco: Men's dress shoes (Oxford);
Piauí: Sports digital watch;
Ceará: USB audio decoder;
Rio Grande do Norte: Sports digital watch;
Sergipe: USB audio decoder.


Federal District: Smartwatch protective film;

Mato Grosso: walkie talkies;
Goiás: Female black boot;
Mato Grosso do Sul: Female helmet.

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