Next Wednesday, the 21st, marks the official start of winter, which will last until September 23rd and the end of autumn. However, expectations for this season are not favorable for those who prefer cold temperatures and dry weather, except for those who live in the south of the country.
According to forecasts, winter will be characterized by above-average temperatures and heavy rainfall, especially in the South, North and Northeast regions of Brazil.
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These areas of the country are the most affected by the meteorological phenomenon El Niño, which causes an increase in temperature.
Arrival of El Niño goes dry and high temperatures during the winter
North and Northeast
Due to El Niño, which will make it difficult for lower temperatures to reach the region, the north of the country will face periods of drought during the winter.
In the south of the country, a significant increase in precipitation rates is expected, especially between the regions of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. The forecast is that the rains will be 50 to 100 millimeters above the historical average in this area.
In August, the forecast is for the arrival of a mass of cold air, promising frosts.
In the interior of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, temperatures rise and the heat intensifies, while in the areas further south of the Southeast region, there is a trend towards increased rainfall.
This change in weather pattern breaks the traditional period of dry and hot weather, mainly in the southern and western regions of São Paulo and southern Minas Gerais.
For the region, El Niño will represent an increase in average heat. Up to 2ºC higher is expected for this year.
South Center
According to meteorologist Bruno Kabke Bainy, from Cepagri/Unicamp, the Center-South region of the country will continue to experience below-average temperatures until the end of June. This condition is the result of the influence of a powerful polar air mass that has affected the climate in recent weeks.
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